An Installation by Shingiro Ntigurirwa

We are delighted to present “Eco Canvas Revival” by Shingiro Ntigurirwa and the opportuntiy to Meet the Artist- Join Shi for a relaxed chat and interactive workshop on Sunday 11th Feb 2-4pm. Bring an item of clothing to upcycle, all other materials provided. 

Shingiro Ntigurirwa is a Rwandese self-taught visual artist and muralist. His works push him to constantly explore new places, and convey a message of self-awareness, Equal rights, and anti-discrimination. His vision as an artist is to educate and inform different communities through Art.

In response to the alarming environmental impact of the clothing industry’s constant production and disposal, Shingiro, as an artist dedicated to innovation, proposes a transformative solution. Instead of contributing to the mounting waste of discarded clothes, He advocates repurposing them as a unique canvas for his paintings. This novel approach involves using used clothes as the medium for his original art collection, giving these garments a new purpose beyond their traditional function. By opting for discarded clothes over new canvases, he aims to mitigate the environmental consequences of clothing waste. While developed nations have established systems for reusing old garments, less developed regions often lack such resources, resulting in streets cluttered with discarded clothing. Shingiro’s  innovative project seeks to bridge this gap by breathing new life into old clothes through visually appealing paintings directly exhibited on the garments. Through this initiative, discarded clothes find a renewed purpose, contributing to a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible future.

Meet the Artist- Join Shi for an interactive workshop on Sunday 11th Feb 2-4pm. Bring an item of clothing to upcycle, all other materials provided. 


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